BE December 2023

In many ways, this is a chaotic month… but what if we try to make it special, as it should be. December marks the end of a year. Time to slow down rather than speed up.  Time to hit pause and reflect on the year that is coming to an end. Time to consider yourself and those that we care about; people, places, moments, that made our year better. A time to celebrate YOU, your family and friends… the greatest gifts of all. So yes, make it special! Make it about you BEing You; chose what and which «event» to attend; chose the people you want to be around with, and even if you are left with yourself, that is good enough. Show your love in any detail that comes your way. And have some faith, it makes this world go around. Make it special!

Merry Christmas to all of you, my dear BE girls.

The warmth of being grateful for all we have.  No need to recap on the events of the world this year; we are aware of the atrocities that by all means make us vulnerable as we live.  However, we shall always be thankful for what we have, for what we give, for how we individually try to make the world a better place.  In my case, I am thoroughly thankful for all of you who support and love BE Ballet for Exercise.

Creating, teaching and performing BE is my way of giving a little piece of wellness to the world.  It reflects who I am and how I move about my day to day life. With respect, empathy, consideration, responsibility, discipline, with love and a smile.  That is me, that is BE. And all of you, make it alive.  Thank you! Muchas gracias! Muito obrigada!  Bye, bye 2023!

Funcionamiento BE Verano 2024


BE BarreFitLunes & Miércoles  – 19:30 hrs

BE HIITMartes -19:30 hrs

Podrán tomar las 3 clases a un precio especial o únicamente a BE BarreFit pagando la mensualidad normal. * Pago a realizar antes del 10 de Enero . Se puede hacer 1 clase de HIIT pagando el costo por clase y avisando anticipadamente.

FEBRERO Cerrado – Vacaciones!


Comienzo de clases Lunes 4 de Marzo – en un principio, en los mismos horarios. En el BE News de Febrero confirmare sí estarán todos o únicamente algunos para dar comienzo al año.